Essential Abbreviations

Essential Abbreviations for Competitive Test Prep

Abbreviations starting with the letter “A”: ADB: Asian Development BankADR: American Depositary ReceiptAGM: Annual General MeetingAIDWA: All India Democratic Women’s AssociationAIT UC: All India Trade Union CongressAMFI: Association of Mutual Funds in IndiaAPEC: Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationAPL: Above Poverty LineAPM: Administered Pricing MechanismARC: Asset Reconstruction CompanyARDR: Agricultural and Rural Debt ReliefASEAN: Association of South-East Asian NationsATM:

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Youngest IAS Officer

10 Steps to Become the Youngest IAS Officer

Unlock the secrets and transformative strategies behind the journey of India’s youngest IAS officer in just 10 groundbreaking steps! At Ignite IAS, we provide comprehensive guidance and support to help our students excel in the interview and realize their dream of becoming civil servants. Table of Contents: Introduction: Achieving the distinction of becoming India’s youngest

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